Dust treatment equipment wet electrostatic precipitator

The wet electrostatic precipitator developed by Wuchang Environmental Protection is a high-voltage electrostatic precipitator used to treat humid gas. It is mainly used to remove dust, acid mist, water droplets, aerosols, odor, PM2.5, etc. in humid gas. Hazardous substances are highly efficient idealized equipment for the treatment of atmospheric dust pollution. The wet electrostatic precipitator usually has the same dust removal principle as the dry electrostatic precipitator, and it has to go through three stages of charged sedimentation, dust collection and end cleaning.

Product parameters
The five-chang environmental protection wet electrostatic precipitator has the same dust collection principle as the dry electrostatic precipitator. Both rely on high-voltage corona discharge to charge the dust, and the charged dust falls to the dust collecting plate or tube under the action of the electric field force. surface. The dry electrostatic precipitator mainly processes dry gas with very low water content, and the wet electrostatic precipitator mainly processes wet gas with high water content or even saturation. There is a big difference between wet electrostatic precipitator WESP and dry-wet electrostatic precipitator DESP in the way of removing the dust collected on the dust collecting plate. Dry electrostatic precipitators generally use mechanical vibration or sound wave cleaning to remove dust on the electrode. , While the wet electrostatic precipitator uses regular or irregular flushing, so that the dust can be carried along with the flow of the flushing liquid to achieve the purpose of cleaning.

The wet electrostatic defogging dust collector is composed of a high-voltage electrostatic device and an electric mist eliminator body. Its working principle is similar to that of an electrostatic precipitator, except that the dust precipitation electrode adopts a plate structure, and each precipitation electrode plate corresponds to a cathode corona wire. During work, a high-voltage electrostatic device is used to apply negative high voltage to the corona wire erected in the wet electrostatic defogging precipitator, thereby forming an uneven high-voltage electrostatic field between the corona wire and the precipitation plate and the two electrodes are Coaxially arranged, the electric field strength of each point in the precipitation plate is inversely proportional to the distance between the point and the corona line. Under the action of the electric field force, a corona zone is formed inside the entire precipitation plate area, and the high concentration of negative ions in the corona zone continuously move directionally from the corona electrode to the precipitation plate to form a corona current. When the flue gas containing water mist and other pollutants enters the precipitation plate, due to the collision and diffusion of ions, the water mist and pollutants are charged, and then quickly reach the inner wall of the precipitation plate area under the action of electric field force and release at the same time The charge is discharged and a liquid film is formed on the inner wall of the sedimentation plate. The liquid film flows to the liquid collection tank at the lower part of the electrostatic mist eliminator under the action of gravity for centralized collection and processing, so as to achieve the purpose of trapping mist droplets and other pollutants in the flue gas. The dedusting and defogging process of the wet electrostatic defogging precipitator can be summarized into the following four stages: ionization of gas, dust reduction, charging of dust mist and other particles, precipitation collection of charged dust mist particles, and cleaning of collected dust. Compared with electrostatic precipitators, wet electrostatic defogging precipitators have the following four advantages:

(1) Since the mist formed by the fusion of dust and water has good conductivity, it can collect the viscous, high specific resistance moist dust that the electrostatic precipitator cannot collect.

(2) There is no vibration device but a single-tube single-punch device, there is no secondary dust problem, and there is no problem that the transmission device is prone to failure.

(3) It can provide several times the corona power of the electrostatic precipitator, and has a high defogging and dust removal efficiency, especially for small dust particles, droplets, aerosols, metal particles, acid mist, etc. It has a strong capture and collection ability.

(4) In the case of using a microcomputer intelligent control power supply and a new type of discharge electrode, the driving speed of dust particles, droplets, aerosols, metal particles, acid mist, etc. in the flue gas in the electric field can reach more than 0.1m/s. Some are as high as 0.2m/s.

In short, the wet electrostatic defogging dust collector is characterized by high defogging and dust removal efficiency, up to 99.99%, capable of trapping dust particles of about 1um, and low pressure loss and stable operation. Since there is a liquid medium in the wet electrostatic defogging precipitator and the temperature is below the dew point, our company considers the high temperature and temperature corrosion resistance of the material when selecting materials.

Application areas:

◆ Ammonia desulfurization and electric mist removal for petrochemical thermoelectric boilers;

◆ Catalytic cracking desulfurization tail gas treatment;

◆ Flue gas dust removal after wet desulfurization of power units;

◆ Treatment of coking furnace desulfurization tail gas;

◆ Deep purification of flue gas after desulfurization in steel, smelting, and sulfuric acid industries;

◆ Industrial purification treatment of bulk sources;
Product classification

Address: Financial Street, No. 82 Huaxiang Road, Development Zone, Langfang City, Hebei Province


Landline:+86 0316-6073922


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