Intelligent oily sludge treatment equipment

2021-04-08 Browse:655second

Wuchang environmental protection modular intelligent oily sludge purification treatment equipment is based on the investigation of the current status of the existing oily sludge treatment technology in the domestic oilfield and chemical industry, and comprehensive physical and chemical treatment methods, aiming at the characteristics of oilfield oily sludge, research and development The new intelligent oily sludge treatment equipment. The whole set of equipment adopts mobile modular structure, low energy consumption, automatic intelligent control, stable operation, strong processing capacity, suitable for mobile operations.

The treatment process adjusts the properties and arrangement of oily solid waste by adding chemicals and supplemented by heating, steaming, conditioning, micro-nano de-oiling, mechanical filtration, solid-liquid separation, and oil-cement three-phase fine separation. So as to achieve the environmental protection purpose of removing the oil in the oily sludge for resource utilization, reducing the water content in the sludge, and then discharging the solid waste.

The oil content of the solid phase material obtained after the treatment can be as low as 1%, and finally it can be treated by thermal cracking, incineration or biodegradation to achieve harmless treatment.

Source of oily sludge:

1) Waste oily sludge from crude oil tank cleaning

2) The bottom sludge of the grease trap, the scum of the flotation tank, the bottom sludge of the crude oil tank in the oil refinery, etc.

3) Waste oily sludge generated during oil and gas drilling

4) Oily sludge produced in the process of oil production wastewater treatment

5) Contaminated soil caused by oil use in steel smelting and other industries

Product classification

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