Renovation of old sewage treatment equipment

2021-04-08 Browse:504second

After serving a number of sewage treatment stations, Wuchang Environmental Protection found that most of them are old technology, old equipment, and extremely high energy consumption. Not only the disposal efficiency is low, but the energy consumption is high and the disposal cost is also high. Moreover, they are all equipment supporting the old disposal standards, and the disposal effect is also very unsatisfactory, and even some sewage discharges do not meet the standards. Based on the principle of resource recycling and reuse, our company specially launched the old equipment upgrade and transformation business, and provided intelligent upgrade and transformation services for the old technology, the old route, and the environmental protection treatment equipment with too many operating years. The modified equipment adds an intelligent control system on the basis of retaining the original performance, which makes the operation more convenient, the layout is more reasonable, the work efficiency is higher, the processing capacity is larger, and the energy saving is improved. After the new technology is upgraded, the disposal effect is greatly improved. , So that the disposal of waste meets the discharge standards.

Legend of old sewage treatment equipment (1)

Legend of old sewage treatment equipment (2)

Legend of old sewage treatment equipment (3)

Legend of old sewage treatment equipment (4)

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Address: Financial Street, No. 82 Huaxiang Road, Development Zone, Langfang City, Hebei Province


Landline:+86 0316-6073922

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