MVR sewage evaporation equipment
The MVR wastewater evaporation crystallization equipment developed by Wuchang Environmental Protection Institute is a high-quality evaporation equipment developed for high-concentration wastewater after a number of field application practices. It is a multi-effect evaporation equipment combined according to the characteristics of various single-effect evaporation equipment such as falling film evaporation, rising film evaporation, forced circulation, natural circulation and so on. Multi-effect evaporation crystallization equipment is divided into double-effect, three-effect, four-effect, five-effect, and multi-effect evaporation equipment. Wuchang can be made of anti-corrosion and high temperature resistant materials according to the characteristics of wastewater or sewage.
Product parameters

The MVR sewage evaporation equipment developed and manufactured by Wuchang Environmental Protection Institute is also called multi-effect evaporation crystallization equipment. It is a high-quality evaporation equipment developed for high-concentration sewage after a number of field applications. Wuchang multi-effect evaporation crystallization equipment is a multi-effect evaporation equipment formed by combining various single-effect evaporation equipment such as falling film evaporation, rising film evaporation, forced circulation evaporation, natural circulation evaporation, etc. according to the characteristics. Multi-effect evaporation crystallization equipment is divided into double-effect, three-effect, four-effect, five-effect, and multi-effect evaporation equipment.

Process flow:

1. Sequential process: The original liquid and steam flow in the same direction, from the first-effect evaporation to the last-effect evaporation. The original liquid is pumped into the first-effect evaporation equipment, and depending on the pressure difference between the evaporation equipment of each effect, it automatically flows into the next effect for evaporation, and the treated purified liquid is pumped out by a negative pressure pump from the last-effect evaporation process. Because the pressure of the latter effect is low, the boiling point of the original solution is also low. When the original solution enters the latter effect from the former effect, it will flash part of the water and produce more secondary steam. Because the concentration of the solution in the after-effect evaporation process is higher than that of the former effect, The operating temperature is low, and the heat transfer coefficient of the first effect is often much higher than that of the final effect. The downstream process is generally suitable for processing raw liquid materials that are heat-sensitive at high concentrations.

2. Reverse sequence process: Contrary to the sequence process, the original liquid is sent from the last effect to the front effect by the pump for the evaporation process, the purified liquid after treatment is discharged by the first effect, and the original liquid and steam flow in the opposite direction. Generally, it is suitable for processing raw liquid materials whose viscosity changes greatly with temperature and concentration, and it is not easy to process heat-sensitive materials. 0

3. Parallel flow process: each effect evaporation equipment feeds out the purified liquid after treatment, each effect has crystallization, which can separate the crystallization in time, and is generally used for the evaporation of saturated raw liquid.

4. Hybrid process: It is a combination of sequential and reverse sequence process, which has the advantages of both sequential and reverse sequence to avoid its shortcomings, but the operation is complicated and requires a high degree of intelligent automatic control.

working principle:

In the industrial production process, a large amount of heat energy must be consumed to evaporate a large amount of water. In order to reduce the heat energy consumption, a multi-effect evaporation operation is adopted. Multi-effect evaporation requires that the operating pressure of the final effect and the boiling point of the solution are lower than those of the former effect. Therefore, the secondary steam of the former effect can be introduced as the heating medium of the latter effect, that is, the heating chamber of the latter effect becomes the former secondary steam. In the condenser, only the first effect needs to consume the heat energy of the raw steam. This is the operating principle of multi-effect evaporation. Generally, the last or subsequent effects of multi-effect evaporation equipment always operate under vacuum. Since the secondary steam of each effect (except the last effect) is used as the heating steam of the next effect evaporator, the utilization rate of the raw steam is improved, that is, the economic benefit is improved. If the amount of water evaporated in the single-effect evaporation or multi-effect evaporation equipment is equal, the amount of raw steam required by the single-effect evaporation equipment of the former is much greater than that of the latter.

Technical parameters of multi-effect evaporation crystallization equipment:

Specification model

Single-effect evaporation

Double-effect evaporation

Three-effect evaporation

Four-effect evaporation

Five-effect evaporation

Evaporation capacity (t/h)






Steam pressure (mpa)


Steam consumption

Evaporation capacity×0.68

Evaporation capacity×0.38

Evaporation capacity×0.28

Evaporation capacity×0.22

Evaporation capacity×0.18

Cooling water consumption

Evaporation capacity×30

Evaporation capacity×12

Evaporation capacity×9

Evaporation capacity×7

Evaporation capacity×6

Evaporation temperature



The above values will vary according to the user's material conditions.

Features of Wuchang MVR multi-effect evaporation crystallization equipment:

1. Fully automated equipment does not require special personnel to supervise, easy to operate, good water treatment effect, clean and no peculiar smell.

2. Saving investment and operating costs (savings: labor costs, electricity costs, steam consumption), no need to add chemicals during operation.

3. The equipment can be made of anti-corrosion and high temperature resistant materials according to the characteristics of wastewater or sewage.

4. The equipment has a three-dimensional structure design, small size and less floor space.

5. The continuous operation performance of the equipment is stable, efficient, fast, and large in processing capacity.

6. The evaporated water source can be recycled again, which can save the cost of tap water.

7. Part of the concentrates or crystals in the wastewater can be reused as resources to save energy and improve economic benefits.

Application areas:

Wuchang MVR sewage multi-effect evaporation crystallization equipment is suitable for materials with a crystallization temperature of 45-85 ℃. The equipment has double-effect, three-effect, four-effect, five-effect, etc. The multi-effect evaporation crystallization equipment adopts a unique design to meet the process requirements of continuous operation. The evaporation equipment adopts a forced circulation form, and the crystallization device adopts a unique structural form. Our company organically integrates the evaporation crystallization process and equipment to make The crystal and the purified liquid are effectively and quickly separated.

The whole process of Wuchang MVR multi-effect evaporation crystallization equipment is multi-effect vacuum evaporation, the temperature is relatively low, the evaporation speed is fast, the evaporation energy consumption is low, and the evaporation concentration is high, so that the raw liquid material with high viscosity is easy to flow and evaporate and is not easy to scale. It is the most advanced evaporation equipment combining evaporation and crystallization.

Product classification

Address: Financial Street, No. 82 Huaxiang Road, Development Zone, Langfang City, Hebei Province


Landline:+86 0316-6073922

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