Pure water preparation equipment

Reverse osmosis, also known as reverse osmosis, is a membrane separation operation that uses pressure difference as the driving force to separate solvent from solution. Pressure is applied to the material liquid on one side of the membrane. When the pressure exceeds its osmotic pressure, the solvent will reverse osmosis against the direction of natural permeation. In this way, the permeated solvent is obtained on the low pressure side of the membrane, that is, the permeate; the high pressure side is the concentrated solution, that is, the concentrated solution. If reverse osmosis is used to treat seawater, fresh water is obtained on the low pressure side of the membrane and brine is obtained on the high pressure side.

Product parameters

Application scope:

☆Preparation of sterile, pyrogen-free purified water in the pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical industries;

☆Ultra-pure water for electronics and power industry;

☆Biomedicine water;

☆Water for chemical and cosmetic ingredients;

☆The desalination of brackish water and seawater;

☆The solution used in the electroplating coating industry is rationed, and the parts are cleaned and rinsed;

☆Cleaning, distribution, and cooling water for precision machinery, special materials, photoelectric materials, and quartz products industries;

☆Pure drinking water, food and beverage water.

Product classification

Address: Financial Street, No. 82 Huaxiang Road, Development Zone, Langfang City, Hebei Province


Landline:+86 0316-6073922


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