Intelligent oily sludge treatment equipment

Oily sludge is mainly composed of emulsified oil, water, solid particles and suspended solids. Its composition is closely related to the geological conditions, production technology, sewage and sludge treatment process, types of chemicals, sewage discharge mode and on-site operation and management level of waste production units.

A large amount of oily sludge will be produced in the process of oil exploration and drilling, refinery sewage treatment system and crude oil production, storage and transportation. With the development of most oil and gas fields in the middle and later stage, the water content in the produced oil is higher and higher, and the amount of oily sludge will continue to increase. The specific resistance coefficient of oily sludge is 30-40 times larger than that of ordinary sludge, and its compressibility coefficient is 15-20 times larger. It is very difficult to realize the three-phase separation of oil, water and sludge due to its high viscosity, complex composition of suspended solids, flocculent, high water content and large volume. The water content of oily sludge in most oilfields in China is generally 70% - 90%, with high content of oil and salt, heavy metals and other harmful impurities. Refinery sludge also contains a large number of benzene series, phenols, pyrene and other harmful substances.

Product parameters

Wuchang environmental protection skid mounted Modular Intelligent oily sludge treatment equipment is a new type of intelligent oily sludge treatment equipment based on the investigation of the current situation of oily sludge treatment technology in domestic oilfield and chemical industry, and the combination of physical and chemical heat cleaning treatment method, aiming at the characteristics of oilfield oily sludge. The whole set of equipment adopts mobile modular structure, low energy consumption, automatic intelligent control, stable operation, strong processing capacity, suitable for mobile operation. The complete set of oily sludge treatment equipment provided by our company can treat the solid waste of oily sludge and recycle the oil and water. It can dispose solids and water at lower cost and recover as much oil as possible.

The treatment process of our company's intelligent oily sludge treatment equipment is mainly to adjust the characteristics and arrangement of oily solid waste by adding chemicals, supplemented by heating and heat preservation, steaming and washing, dosing and tempering, micro nano deoiling, mechanical filtration, solid-liquid separation and three-phase fine separation of oil, water and sludge, so as to remove the oil in oily sludge for resource utilization, The purpose of environmental protection is to reduce the water content in the sludge and then discharge the solid waste.

The oily sludge treatment process of our company uses the intelligent technical equipment of mechanical separation and chemical heat cleaning harmless, which is applied to the oily sludge of oil field. After treatment, the oil content can easily reach the technical requirements of less than 2% in the document of pollution control standard for comprehensive utilization of oily sludge of oil field: DB23 / t1413-2010. According to the composition characteristics of different types of oily sludge in different regions, our company has developed different processes of oily sludge treatment equipment mechanical thermal cleaning harmless technical scheme. After treatment, it can reach the international standard, and the oil content index of discharged solid materials can be as low as 1%. Finally, it can meet the final discharge treatment requirements through pyrolysis, incineration or biodegradation.

Oily sludge treatment process:

Application scope of oily sludge treatment equipment:

1) Waste oily sludge from crude oil tank cleaning

2) The bottom mud of oil separation tank, floating slag of flotation tank, bottom mud of crude oil tank, etc

3) Waste oily sludge produced during oil and gas drilling

4) Oily sludge produced in the process of oil production wastewater treatment

5) Oily sludge in the bilge of ocean going cruise ship

6) Treatment of waste machinery lubricating oil and emulsified oil

7) Fracturing fluid and reverse drainage wastewater

8) Pollution caused by oil in steel smelting and other industries

Product classification

Address: Financial Street, No. 82 Huaxiang Road, Development Zone, Langfang City, Hebei Province


Landline:+86 0316-6073922

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