Development and manufacture of intelligent energy saving and environmental protection equipment

2021-04-06 Browse:750second

Main products of Wuchang environmental protection: intelligent energy saving and environmental protection equipment, intelligent separation and transportation equipment, intelligent solid-liquid separation equipment, intelligent oil and gas exploitation equipment, oily sludge treatment equipment, water treatment equipment, air treatment equipment, etc.

The core manufacturing process of Wuchang environmental protection is the microcomputer intelligent integrated control system, which includes the intelligent control of a single equipment and the process intelligent control module process of integrated system of various equipment combinations. The traditional energy-saving and environmental protection equipment has been improved and optimized with the integration of electronic technology, microcomputer, sensor, electro-hydraulic servo, it network technology and intelligent control system. Computer aided design, manufacturing and management will also be gradually applied to the development and manufacturing of intelligent equipment of Wuchang environmental protection. The latest products developed and manufactured by Wuchang Environmental Protection Institute have been significantly improved in terms of work efficiency, work quality, environmental protection, operation performance and degree of automation, and are marching towards the direction of further intelligent roboticization.

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Address: Financial Street, No. 82 Huaxiang Road, Development Zone, Langfang City, Hebei Province


Landline:+86 0316-6073922

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