Treatment and disposal of oily sludge

2021-04-06 Browse:814second

The core process of treatment and disposal of Wuchang environmental protection oil-bearing hazardous waste adopts integrated complete treatment equipment and chemical heat cleaning process. During the treatment process, clean oil and water and low oil-bearing solid waste are finally obtained through multi-stage separation and oil removal and water treatment process. The recovered oil can be used for the resource utilization of refineries and the water can be recycled in the inner circle. The whole process is simple, the operation cost is low and the one-time investment is low. The package is skid mounted and integrated, and can be moved, especially suitable for field, treatment station and field operation. The technology of heat washing of Wuchang oily sludge can realize lower cost disposal of solid and recover oil to the maximum extent. The oil content of solid materials obtained by chemical heat cleaning and separation technology can be as low as 1%, and the harmless treatment requirements can be achieved through thermal desorption, thermal analysis, incineration or biodegradation. The technology has been widely used in the domestic oil fields and refining produced by the floor sludge, tank cleaning sludge, aging sludge, etc. Wuchang environmental protection technology team has developed targeted formulations for different sludge properties, such as light oil, recombined sludge, etc. The applicability rate has reached 100% reliability in the field of waste disposal in oil field. At present, we have carried out projects in Changqing Oilfield, Karamay Oilfield, North China Oilfield, Sichuan oil and gas field, which can meet the technical indexes of sludge treatment.

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Address: Financial Street, No. 82 Huaxiang Road, Development Zone, Langfang City, Hebei Province


Landline:+86 0316-6073922

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